Buy Whey Powder Online

Buy Whey Powder Online

Buy Whey Powder Online is a byproduct of the cheese-making process. When milk is coagulated, it separates into solid curds (used to make cheese) and liquid whey. This liquid whey is then filtered, dried, and processed into whey powder, which retains the valuable proteins and other nutrients. Whey powder can be found in two primary forms:

Whey Protein Concentrate

Whey protein concentrate is the less processed form of whey, containing about 70-80% protein by weight. It also contains small amounts of lactose, fats, and carbohydrates, making it ideal for those who are not lactose intolerant and seek a balanced protein supplement.


Whey powder is a powerful nutritional supplement with a range of benefits, from muscle recovery and immune support to weight management and improved overall health.

Commercial Information
Unit packaging – 25 kg
Unit packaging on layer – 5 pcs
Unit packaging on palette – 40 pcs/1000kg
Minimum order One Truck – 24 tones

Product: Sweet Whey Powder
Taste / Colour : Typically Whey Flavour, Free from undesirable off-notes/ Pale Cream to Yellowish
Storage / Shelf life: cool (≤ 25° C) and dry (≤ 65% rel. humidity), in the original packaging min. 12 months
Packaging: multiply paper bags with PE-liner 25 kg net;

Typical Range / Limit
chemical analysis: Fat ( % ) ≤ 1,5
Moisture ( % ) 5
Ash ( % ) ≤ 8,5
Lactose 61%-75,4%
Solubility Index ( ml ) ≤ 2,0
Protein 11% min
pH 6 min
Disc B max
Acidity 8,5 SH max
Inhibitors ** negative

Bacteriological Analysis: TPC/g ≤ 30.000
Coliforms/0,1 g negative
Salmonella/ 250g absent
Yeast 10/g max
Mould 50 g/max
Coag. Psitive Staph. 10/g max

** Product must be certified as Chloramphenicol negative!